Wet n Wild
Programme 21.08.2020
This week we are going ‘Wet n Wild’ for the last of our Summer Activity nights.
The meeting will be at Braddan Park at the same location as the grass sledging was held.
Cubs and Scouts should bring a washing up liquid bottle, or water pistol /super soaker and come dressed to get wet.
We will be supplying either burgers or hot dogs and juice, but if any children have special dietary requirements, they can bring their own food/crisps etc.
The evening will start at 6:30 and will go ahead regardless of weather, we will finish when everyone has had enough sliding/squirting, or no later than 8:00pm – whichever comes first.
There will be a gazebo for changing, so we suggest they bring a change of clothing.
There will be an opportunity for the Scouts to finish their ‘Survival Skills’ Badge on Friday/Saturday 4/5th September at MYC. The Scouts will plan their own menu and cook from scratch, light fires, build a shelter and sleep overnight in it, with Bernie and Paul staying nearby to supervise.
More info to follow, but can we ask that the Scouts use their WhatsApp Group to plan their menu, and arrange who is buying what please.
All the leaders hope the Cubs and Scouts have enjoyed the activities provided over the past 12 months, and are looking forward to bringing another year of fun and engaging programmes.
Steam Train Trip
Programme 14.08.2020
This week, two activities have been arranged; one of the Cubs and another for the Scouts – however, the children may attend both events if they wish.
For the train trip we meet in uniform at 9:40 at Douglas Railway Station, bringing a packed lunch and a jacket in case of bad weather. We return to Douglas at 5:00pm. Parents and accompanied siblings are welcome to join us on the basis that they are separate for Scout insurance reasons.
Parents will need to purchase a child ‘Explorer Pass’ at £8.50 each to enable us to get off at Castletown, then get back on later to continue to Port Erin.
We meet at 6:30 for the cycle ride to Peel, returning by around 8:30. Again Parents are welcome to join us if they wish.
For those children unable to make a return ride on their bikes, arrangements can be made to leave them in Peel Scout HQ for later collection. Please bring appropriate clothing, a drink and a snack.
Any child who would like to borrow a bike, please contact Bernard on 313612 in advance.
Programme 07.08.2020
This week Cubs and Scouts have a session at ApeMann Adventure Playground, South Barrule Plantation.
The session is from 6:30 – 8:15 and the cost will be £10 for the low course, £15 for the high course (10 and over)
Can everyone bring insect repellent and a drink please.
Next Week
Next week we have planned a trip on the Steam Train to Port Erin and back for the Cubs and a cycle ride to Peel and back (for those who can make it). This will count towards the Cyclist Badge.
Scouts are welcome to join the Cubs on the train trip, and Cubs can join the Cycle ride if they wish. Cubs need to only cycle to Peel to gain their badge, where Scouts will need to do the return trip.
The cost of the train trip will be £8.50 for children and £17 for adults. A packed lunch will be required.
We meet at 9:45 at Douglas station, returning on the 5:00pm service. For the cycle ride we start from Marown School at 6:30, returning at around 8:30pm.
Bikes are available so long as we know in advance, please speak to Bernard 07624313612.
Kayaking on the Mooragh
Programme 31.07.2020
This week the Cubs and Scouts can try their hands at Kayaking and Raft Building at the Mooragh, Ramsey.
The meeting kicks off at 6:30 and will be finished by 8:15pm, please bring a change of clothes (under uniform), and a towel.
We meet at the café (east) end and parents are welcome to stay if they wish.
Next week we will be at Apemann, the cost will be £10 for those 10 and under, or £15 for 11+. If any wish to go on the ‘High Course’ the charge is £15 (10+).
Parents welcome to join us.